George Adams : interpreter of Rudolf Steiner, his life and a selection of his essays / compiled by Olive Whicher; foreword by Owen Barfield

Olive Whicher

Boek, Engels, 180 p.

Henry Goulden East Grinstead 1977

ISBN: 0904822087

Inhoud: The life and work of George Adams; Rudolf Steiner's conquest of agnosticism; Physics and the light of the world; Human experiences of today and the "Second Coming"; Goethe's concept of light and darkness and the science of the future; Plant growth and the forms of space; The threefold structure of the world; Art and science in the 20th century; The hidden forces in mechanics; Potentization and the peripheral forces of natures; Questions and answers

1 exemplaar in de collectie

Nummer: WHIC/911744  ·  vindplaats: AU-E WHIC

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